Download all Cambridge IELTS books pdf+audio (1-15)


IELTS (The International English Language Testing System) is an English exam to assess the language abilities of people who want to work or take a higher educational degree in countries where English is the first language of communication.

This IELTS exam is under the control of four organizations:

  1. British council,
  2. Cambridge University,
  3. IELTS Australia and
  4. IDP.

If you start to prepare for IELTS test, you should have to answer previous IELTS exams to be familiar with the test format.

Each year, Cambridge University publishes a new IELTS book for preparation.

Till now, there are fourteen- 14 IELTS books in a series called “Cambridge IELTS books“:

– Cambridge IELTS book 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13 -14 and IELTS 15 Academic Student’s Book with Answers will be released this year at the end of June this year.

You can download all Cambridge IELTS books pdf and audio CD 1 -15 through direct links on Google drive and buy it from amazon.

NOTE: You should use the computer to download.
(The file is large and can’t open in smartphone)

Components of Cambridge IELTS books.

  1. Cambridge IELTS 1 PDF book + CD
  2. Cambridge IELTS 2 PDF book + CD
  3. Cambridge IELTS 3 PDF book + CD
  4. Cambridge IELTS 4 PDF book + CD
  5. Cambridge IELTS 5 PDF book + CD
  6. Cambridge IELTS 6 PDF book + CD
  7. Cambridge IELTS 7 PDF book + CD
  8. Cambridge IELTS 8 PDF book + CD
  9. Cambridge IELTS 9 PDF book + C
  10. Cambridge IELTS 10 PDF book + CD
  11. Cambridge IELTS 11 PDF book + CD
  12. Cambridge IELTS 12  PDF book + CD
  13. Cambridge IELTS 13  PDF book + CD
  14. Cambridge IELTS 14 PDF book + CD
  15. Cambridge IELTS 15 PDF book + CD
    Academic + General

BACKUP LINK 1: Cambridge IELTS 1 – 14

  1. Cambridge IELTS 1 (2006)
  2. Cambridge IELTS 2 (2007)
  3. Cambridge IELTS 3 (2008)
  4. Cambridge IELTS 4 (2009)
  5. Cambridge IELTS 5 (2010)
  6. Cambridge IELTS 6 (2011)
  7. Cambridge IELTS 7 (2012)
  8. Cambridge IELTS 8 (2013)
  9. Cambridge IELTS9 (2014)
  10. Cambridge IELTS 10  (2015)
  11. Cambridge IELTS 11 (2016)
  12. Cambridge IELTS 12 (2017)
  13. Cambridge IELTS 13 (2018)
  14. Cambridge IELTS 14 (2019)
  15. Cambridge IELTS 15 Academic (2020)
  16. Cambridge IELTS 15 General (2020)