IELTS Advantage: Listening & Speaking Skills (Ebook & Audio)


IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills is a comprehensive resource designed for all IELTS candidates who want to achieve a score of 6.5 or higher in the Speaking and Listening modules. IELTS learners are guided step-by-step through the different stages of the speaking and listening modules, using lively material covering a wide range of the topics that are likely to occur in the IELTS examination.

The book is divided into 2 sections: Speaking & Listening

With regard to Speaking section, it has 5 main features:

  • Grammar, vocabulary, collocations and expressions relating to the common themes and topics featured in the Speaking test.
  • Format explanations and exam tips to help you predict and prepare for the Speaking test.
  • Exam skills and strategies for the Speaking test
  • Audio examples on the accompanying CD of model Speaking tests.
  • Plentiful opportunities to practice speaking in the format of the Speaking test

The content of the Listening section has 3 main features:

  • Format explanations and exam tips to help you predict and prepare for
    • the Listening test
    • Development of strategies for listening and extracting the information necessary to answer the questions
    • Listening practice material based on the accompanying CD

    Organization of the book

    Unit 1 and 2: These focus on Speaking Part 1. In this part of the Speaking test, the examiner asks the candidate questions about familiar topics relating to his/her Life.

    Unit 3 to 7: These have an introductory section based on Speaking Part 1, followed by the main focus on Speaking Part 2 and 3. In these parts of the test, the candidate prepares and delivers a short talk (Part 2), then discusses related topics further with the examiner (Part 3).


    Unit 8 and 9: Listening

    Download links:

    1. –> PDF file

  • 2. –> Listening and speaking Audio
  • 3. –> Listening and speaking Audio

Source: Referenc


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